Free Consultation
and Assessment

Meet with our experts to complete a thorough review of all income and assets. We then create a clear plan detailing what your Medicaid application process will involve. To qualify for Medicaid, the client must meet the basic requirements. Requirements:

  • Be a legal U.S. citizen or qualified alien
  • Be a resident of state applying in
  • Meet income and asset requirements*
  • Be 65+ years of age OR be blind or permanently disabled**

*Income requirements:
As of 2019, an applicant’s income may not exceed $2,313 per month or $4,626 for a couple. If your income currently exceeds the limit, Silver Key will provide strategies to structure your income to ensure your eligibility.

The applicant’s assets must fall below a predetermined threshold which varies from state to state. Additionally, Medicaid does not allow gifts or transfers to be completed within five years prior to applying for Medicaid. If Medicaid discovers a gift or transfer, they will impose a period of ineligibility for Medicaid coverage, referred to as a penalty. The penalty will correspond to the amount of money that was gifted or transferred.

**Medical Eligibility:
A pre-admission screening (PAS) is required to determine the applicant’s medical eligibility. A physical evaluation performed by a Medicaid approved nurse will ascertain whether you need assistance with activities of daily living (ADL), such as showering, dressing, eating, and toileting.

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Contact us for a free consult

Call us for a free consult 848-249-7800